Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
ColdFire On-Chip DBG
The ColdFire® derivatives featuring an on-chip debugger (DBG) module require a
debugger graphical user interface to setup this module and take full advantage of this
enhanced debugging feature. This manual describes the DBG module user interface.
Within several ColdFire debugger connections, a complete graphical user interface is
provided, through a trigger setup dialog box combined with context-sensitive context
menus (mouse right-click) in Source, Assembly, Data and Memory component windows
to set the on-chip DBG module and triggers.
This DBG module support is automatically enabled or disabled, according to user selected
derivative (if the device is user configurable) or automatically through device Part ID.
TIP Refer to HCS08 On-Chip DBG Module for general information. This section
gives details of specific setup for the ColdFire debug module.
DBG Features
The debugger covers all features available within the on-chip DBG module:
• Regular hardware breakpoints and watchpoints,
• Predefined preset Instruction Triggers or Memory Access Triggers, a wide set of
complex hardware breakpoints (triggers on program code instructions) and
watchpoints (triggers on device memory access) and data bus recording,
• Expert Triggers, as powerful as predefined preset triggers, “Do It Yourself” way,
• Code program flow rebuild from Real Time Trace PST/DATA output signals within
the Trace window component (open the Trace component to display the code
program flow rebuild),
Typically, the debugger provides four instruction hardware breakpoints, and one
watchpoint. When setting triggers (A or/and B or/and C), the debugger still allows to set
two instruction hardware breakpoints.
Triggers A and B relate to the program counter, whereas Trigger C relates to memory