HC08 Full Chip Simulation
Configuration Procedure
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
* The following descriptors give the information to the PC what type of
* USB device this is and what its capabilities are. They are retrieved
* during the configuration phase.
* Note that the Vendor and Product IDs specified in this demo are
* invalid USB IDs and are given for demonstration purposes only!
* Device Descriptor
db {DDesc_End-Dev_Desc} ; Descriptor Length
db $01 ; Descriptor Type (Device)
db $00,$02 ; USB specification Release (2.00)
db $00 ; Class Code
db $00 ; Subclass Code
db $00 ; Protocol Code
db $08 ; Maximum Packet Size for EP0 (8 bytes)
db $00,$00 ; Vendor ID=none
db $00,$00 ; Product ID=none
db $01,$00 ; Device Release Number (1.00)
db $01 ; Index to Manufacturer String Descriptor
db $02 ; Index to Product String Descriptor
db $00 ; Index to Device Serial Number String
; Descriptor
db $01 ; Number of possible configurations (1)
* Configuration Descriptor
db {CDesc_End-Con_Desc} ; Descriptor Length
db $02 ; Descriptor Type (Configuration)
db {E2Desc_End-Con_Desc},$00 ; Total data length (Config-
; Interface-EP)
db $01 ; Interfaces supported
db $01 ; Configuration Value
db $00 ; Index to String Descriptor
db $C0 ; Self powered
db $00 ; Maximum power consumption=0mA
; (not applicable)
* Interface Descriptor
db {IDesc_End-Int_Desc} ; Descriptor Length
db $04 ; Descriptor Type (Interface)
db $00 ; Number of Interface
db $00 ; No alternate setting
db $02 ; Number of endpoints