How To...
How to Step in the Application
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
On the Next Source Instruction
The Debugger provides two ways of stepping to the next source instruction:
• Choose Run > Single Step
• Click the Single Step icon from the Debugger tool bar
STEPPED in the status line indicates that the application is stopped by a step function.
If the application was previously stopped on a subroutine call instruction, a Single Step
stops the application at the beginning of the invoked function.
The display in the Assembly component is always synchronized with the display in the
Source component. The highlighted instruction in the Assembly component is the first
assembler instruction generated by the highlighted instruction in the Source component.
Elements from Register, Memory or Data components that are displayed in red are the
register, memory position, local or global variables, and which values have changed
during execution of the source statement.
Step Over a Function Call (Flat Step)
The Debugger provides two ways of stepping over a function call:
• Choose Run > Step Over
• Click the Step Over icon from the Debugger tool bar
STEPPED OVER (STEPOVER) or STOPPED (STOP) in the status line indicates that the
application is stopped by a step over function.
If the application was previously stopped on a function invocation, a Step Over stops the
application on the source instruction following the function invocation.
The display in the Assembly component is always synchronized with the display in the
Source component. The highlighted instruction in the Assembly component is the first
assembler instruction generated by the highlighted instruction in the Source component.
Elements from Register, Memory or Data components that are displayed in red are the
register, memory position, local or global variables, and which values have changed
during execution of the invoked function.
Step Out from a Function Call
The Debugger provides two ways of stepping out from a function call:
• Choose Run > Step Out
• Click the Step Out icon from the debugger tool bar