HC08 Full Chip Simulation
Configuration Procedure
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual

Select Device Option

The Device option on the HC08FCS menu allows you to select the particular Freescale
processor that you wish to use. If you choose Device from the HC08FCS menu, additional
extended menus open that allow you to select the family and device type of the MCU that
you are using. See Figure 11.3.
Figure 11.3 Device Option Extended Menus

Full Chip Simulation Module Commands

The HCS08FCS Menu contains the Full Chip Simulation commands for the modules that
have specialty commands associated with them for a chosen device. For more information
about specific module commands, refer to the Full Chip Simulation section describing the
particular module.

Run Till Cycle Option

The Run Till Cycle command lets you begin execution of code, and stop execution when
the specified cycle count is reached. Note that the parameter given is not the number of
cycles that executed, but rather the total cycle count of the simulator (displayed in the
Register Window).