ColdFire V1 Full Chip Simulation Connection
FCS Visualization Utilities
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual

Instruction Listing

Figure 28.33 lists the instructions available for the LCD component.
Figure 28.33 LCD Display Component Instruction Listing
Clear Display
Completely fills the DDRAM with the code 20h (space character)
Puts the address 00h into AC (address counter)
Re-initializes the display if shifts occurred.
Puts the cursor in position 1 on the display first line.
Return Home
Sets AC = 00h and re-initializes the display.
Puts the cursor in position 1 on the display first line.
Leaves the DDRAM unchanged.
Entry Mode Set
Increases AC if I/D = 1, or decreases AC if I/D = 0, after you write an ASCII code
into RAM
Moves the cursor to the right if ID = 1 or to the left if I/D = 0
Display On/Off Control
The display is on if D = 1 and off if D = 0 (data stays in RAM)
If C = 1 the cursor is visible.