Debugger Engine Commands
Commands Overview
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Component Specific Commands
Component specific commands are associated with specific components. Table 34.5
contains all available Component Specific commands.
Table 34.5 List of Component Specific Commands
Command, Syntax Short Description
ADDXPR “expression” Adds a new expression in the data component
ATTRIBUTES list Sets up the display inside a component window
BASE code | module Sets the Profiler base
BD Displays a list of all breakpoints
CF fileName [;C][;NL] Executes a command file
CLOCK frequency Sets the clock speed
COPYMEM <Source addr
range> dest-addr
Copies memory
CYCLE on|off Switches cycles and milliseconds in SofTrace
DETAILS assembly|source Sets split view
DUMP Displays data component content
E expression [;O|D|X|C|B] Evaluates a given expression
EXECUTE fileName Executes a stimulation file
FILL range value Fills a memory range with a value
FILTER Options [<range>] Selects the output file filter options
FIND “string” [;B] [;MC] [;WW] Finds and highlights a pattern
FINDPROC ProcedureName Opens a procedure file
FOLD [*] Folds a source block
FRAMES number Sets the maximum number of frames
GRAPHICS on|off Switches graphic bars on/off
Prints content of Inspector to Command window