Microcontrollers Debugger Manual

SofTec HC08 Connection

This section guides you through the first steps toward debugging with the CodeWarrior
IDE and the SofTec HC08 connection. It does not replace all the additional documentation
provided in this manual, but gives you a good starting point.

SofTec HC08 Technical Considerations

The 8/16 bits debugger (and then the CodeWarrior IDE) might be connected to HC08
hardware using the SofTec HC08.
When the debugger runs the SofTec HC08 connection, it can communicate and debug
HC08-based hardware connected through the SofTec in-circuit debugger/programmer
units, such as the SofTec Microsystems HC08 ISP Debuggers/Programmers (inDART
Series) and Starter Kits (AK/SK/PK/ZK and newer Series).
Refer to the inDART®-HC08 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer for Motorola HC08
Family FLASH Devices User’s Manual from SofTec for communication hardware
requirements and SofTec product installation.

CodeWarrior IDE and SofTec HC08

There are two separate paths that may be followed to take the first steps toward debugging
with the CodeWarrior IDE and the SofTec inDART-HC08 connection. The differences
between the two paths hinge on the starting point for the steps:
Using the Stationary Wizard at the start of the project
From within an existing project