ColdFire V1 Full Chip Simulation Connection
FCS Visualization Utilities
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
TERM_TO_WINDOW (sends output to terminal window),
TERM_TO_BOTH (send output to file and window),
TERM_TO_FILE (send output to file fileName),
TERM_FROM_KEYS (read from keyboard),
TERM_FROM_FILE (read input from file fileName),
TERM_APPEND_BOTH (append output to file and window),
TERM_APPEND_FILE (append output to file fileName).
See terminal.h for more information.

Using TestTerm

Listing 28.3 shows the functions defined in termport.h that can be called to access the
TestTerm component:
Listing 28.3 Functions to Access the TestTerm Component
char GetChar(void);
void PutChar(char ch);
void PutString(char *str);
void InitTermIO(void);
Listing 28.4 gives the source code for the functions in termport.c.
Listing 28.4 Functions to Access the TestTerm Component in termport.c
typedef struct {
unsigned char BAUD;
unsigned char SCCR1;
unsigned char SCCR2;
unsigned char SCSR;
unsigned char SCDR;
} SCIStruct;
#define SCI (*((SCIStruct*)(0x0200)))
char GetChar(void)
while (!(SCI.SCSR & 0x20)); /* wait for input */
return SCI.SCDR;
void PutChar(char ch)
while (!(SCI.SCSR & 0x80)); /* wait for output buffer