If the Prio_U2 column for the error shown in the table row is blank, the error is never recorded into ASI_AFAR_U2.

Otherwise, the Prio_U2 column for the error shown in the table row indicates the ASI_AFAR_U2 recording priority, as follows. Let P_U2 be the Prio_U2 column value for the error E2. Then:

Upon detection of the error E2, if P_U2 > ASI_AFAR_U2.CONTENTS, the error

E2 is recorded into ASI_AFAR_U2 and ASI_AFAR_U2.CONTENTS is set to P_U2.

Upon detection of the error E2, if P_U2 ≤ ASI_AFAR_U2.CONTENTS, the error E2 is not recorded in ASI_AFAR_U2 and ASI_AFAR_U2 is unchanged.


Bit NameR/W Prio_D1 Prio_U2 Description

Bits 10:0 are restrainable error-pending “sticky” bits. Each bit in ASI_AFSR<10:0> is set to 1 when the corresponding error is detected. The only way each of these error sticky bits can be cleared is to write 1 to it. When 1 is held in a bit of ASI_AFSR and the trap disable condition specified in the TABLE P-2 is not satisfied, an ECC_error trap is generated.





Degradation in L1$, U2$, and sTLB. This bit is set





when automatic way reduction is applied in I1$,





D1$, U2$, sITLB, or sDTLB. See Section P.9.5 and





Section P.10.2 for further details about when this bit





is set.





Correctable error in incoming data from the UPA bus.

CE is detected in the following cases:

• U2 (unified level 2) cache fill

• Data read from noncacheable area

The two cases can be separated by the physical address indicated in ASI_AFAR_U2. For U2 cache fill, normally the CE in DIMM is detected.

Programming Note: Data is transferred on the UPA bus in units of 16 bytes (one quadword). For data read from a noncacheable area, a correctable error in the opposite doubleword from the one that was accessed by the instruction may be reported as


The address indicated in ASI_AFAR_U2 for

CE_INCOMED always has doubleword resolution and indicates the correct error location for the incoming data path. However, the error reported for the noncacheable area read may be for the opposite doubleword in a quadword from the doubleword accessed by the instruction.

Release 1.0, 1 July 2002

F. Chapter P Error Handling 175

Page 186
Image 186
Fujitsu Fujitsu SPARC64 V manual DGL1$U2$STLB, Ceincomed