Printer response problems

The following table lists common printer response problems and suggested solutions for resolving them.

Printer response problems







No display message

The printer on/off button is in

Verify that the printer is on.


the off position.

Fans may run while the printer



is in Standby mode (off).





The printer memory DIMMs are

Verify that the printer memory


defective or installed incorrectly.

DIMMs are correctly installed



and are not defective.





The power cord is not firmly

Turn off the printer and then


plugged into both the printer

disconnect and reconnect the


and the power receptacle.

power cord. Turn the printer



back on.





The line voltage is incorrect for

Connect the printer to a proper


the printer power configuration.

voltage source, as specified on



the Power Rating Label on the



back of the printer.





The power cord is damaged or

Replace the power cord.


excessively worn.






The power source receptacle is

Connect the printer to a


not working correctly.

different power receptacle.





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