7.Use the down arrow key to scroll down to the Smart Array Controller item in the list.

8.Press Enter to display detailed information about the device.

Figure 3-27 EBSU Maintain Firmware Screen

EBSU displays the firmware update screen for the selected device.

The version number in the first column (ROM Firmware Version) is the one currently installed on your system.

The version number in the second column (ROM Version on Disk) is the one available on your Smart Setup media.

Figure 3-28 EBSU Maintain Firmware Update Screen

9.Compare the two version numbers and perform one of the following options:

If the number in the first column is the same or higher than the number in the second column, your installed firmware is current. You do not need to update the firmware for this device! You can exit EBSU and quit this procedure.

If the number in the first column is less than the number in the second column, your installed firmware is older than the version on your Smart Setup media. You must update the firmware for this device! Proceed to Step 9 and continue from there.

114 Installing the System