Table D-1 EFI Commands (continued)

EFI Shell Command

BCH Command

BCH Command Parameters (PA-RISC)
















<addr> [<len>] [<type>]

Read memory locations scope




of page deallocation








Display or clear the page




deallocation table


table (pdt)







errdump mca


[<proc>] [HPMC LPMC TOC ASIC]]

Display PIM information

errdump cmc

internal memory



errdump init




EFI/POSSE Commands

This section describes the EFI/POSSE commands developed for the server.

NOTE: EFI and Pre-OS System Environment (POSSE) are similar. EFI is an Intel specification. POSSE is an HP implementation of EFI that aids HP support.

NOTE: The output shown for these EFI commands are samples, and might differ depending upon your server and its configuration.


Provides information on the EFI Shell commands. The help command also aids administrators familiar with the BCH menus to adjust to their equivalent functions in EFI.


help [-b] <category> help [-b] <cmd>

help [-b] bch <bchmenu> <bchcmd>



Enable page



Category of commands to view help on commands


Shell command name on which to provide verbose information


Display the list of BCH commands and their corresponding EFI


BCH menu name taken from the top level of the BCH menu


BCH command on which to display information


If you issue the help command with no parameters, a list of shell command categories displays. To list all of the commands within a category, enter help <category>. If help is issued with the -boption, any output longer than one page pauses after each page displays. If a shell command name is used as a parameter, verbose help displays for that command.

If you issue the help command with the bch option, it displays a list of BCH commands and their corresponding EFI/POSSE commands. It instructs you to repeat the command line followed by a menu name for more information on that menu. If you issue help within the bch option and a menu name, it displays a list of commands that appear under that BCH menu. You can then issue help followed by bch, the menu name, and a BCH command name to display information about that command. This points you to the EFI command that has taken the place of that BCH functionality, or will inform the user that the functionality no longer exists. Alternately, enter help followed by bch and a BCH command name to go straight to that command.

320 Utilities