| The following terms are used in this guide: |
AE | Refers to the Advanced Edition version of the Command View software. |
CIM | Refers to the Common Information Model. |
CIMOM | Refers to the Common Information Model Object Manager. |
CLI | Refers to Command Line Interface. |
CV | Refers to the HP Command View server that manages URS disk arrays. |
Device | Refers to the HP Command View server that manages EVA or XP disk arrays. |
EVA | Refers to the HP Enterprise Virtual Array product that is supported in the URS solution. |
HP SIM | Refers to the HP Systems Insight Manager software application. |
LUN | Refers to the logical unit that is in a URS disk array. |
OVSAM | Refers to the HP OpenView Storage Area Manager. |
Partition/Server | A VSE partition (nPar or vPar) in a cell based server. |
Physical device | Refers to a disk array that is managed by an HP Command View server (EVA or XP). |
PPU | Refers to the HP Pay per use solution, which is a part of the HP Utility Pricing Solutions program. |
PPU Agent Push | These partitions are monitored using the PPU Agent software that is installed on the partition itself. |
Partitions | This agent wakes up every 30 minutes and sends data to the Utility Meter via WBEM. This solution |
| is NOT available for Linux partitions. |
PPU Agent | Refers to the HP Pay per use software that is installed on partitions in a server under a PPU contract |
software | and sends usage data to the Utility Meter. |
PPU Collector Pull | These Partitions or Servers are monitored from the Utility Meter. Every 30 minutes, the Utility |
Partitions/Servers | Meter will send requests to the WBEM providers running on the partition or server and pull the |
| usage data back. This solution is only available on |
PPU installation | Refers to a customer site that has PPU servers metered by a Utility Meter. |
| Refers to the Storage Management Initiative Specification. |
Snapshot | Refers to a nearly instantaneous copy of the contents of a virtual disk created without interruption |
| of operations on the source virtual disk. Snapshots are typically used for |
| backups. |
THP | Refers to Thin Provisioning. |
UPS | Refers to the HP Utility Pricing Solutions program. |
URS | Refers to the HP Utility Ready Storage solution, which is a part of the HP Utility Pricing Solutions |
| program. |
URS instllation | Refers to a customer site that has URS devices (XP or EVA disk arrays, or a combination of both) |
| metered by a Utility Meter. |
Utility Meter | Refers to the combination of the HP Utility Meter software and the hardware running it. |
Utility Meter | Refers to the |
hardware |
Utility Meter | Refers to the HP Utility Meter software (HP products T2805AA and T5462A). |
software |
Virtual disk | Refers to variable disk capacity that is defined and managed by the array controller and |
| presentable to hosts as a disk. |
WBEM | Refers to the |
XP | Refers to the HP StorageWorks External Storage XP software product that is supported in the URS |
| solution. |