#Target: mysystem:/
# | T2805AA | 8.13 | HP | Utility | Pricing | Metering | Software |
| 8.13 | HP | Utility | Pricing | Metering | Software | |
# |
•To verify the hostname for the Utility Meter, run the uname command:
# /usr/bin/uname -a
In this example, mysystem is the hostname.
•To check the status of the Utility Meter software, log in as root and execute the following command:
# /sbin/init.d/umeter status
You should see responding, collecting, and running in the status output. If you do not, then restart the Utility Meter processes. First stop and then start the processes:
#/sbin/init.d/umeter stop
#/sbin/init.d/umeter start
•Inspect the following Utility Meter log files for such terms as ERROR, FAILURE, WARNING:
•If you are uncertain about the installation of the Utility Meter software, execute the swverify command:
NOTE: The following command is for PPU installations. For URS installations, replace “T2805AA” with “T5462A”.
# /usr/sbin/swverify T2805AA
To reinstall the Utility Meter software, see Chapter 2: “Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software”.
5.3 Troubleshooting a Device
The most prominent reason why HP does not receive usage data from a Utility Meter is because the
The following sections contain troubleshooting information for storage and WBEM Partitions/Servers:
•Troubleshooting a Storage Device
•Troubleshooting a WBEM Device
5.3.1Troubleshooting a Storage Device
This section contains general tips on how to troubleshoot a Utility Meter with configured storage devices. If you are having trouble with this type of configuration, here is a list of possible reasons:
•The storage device is down or unreachable.
•The Command View server is down or is unreachable by its disk arrays.
5.3 Troubleshooting a Device 91