upgrading software to version 8.13, 39 Utility Meter

common tasks, 12

completing installation and configuration, 39 configuring HP-UX system parameters, 27 configuring Utility Meter parameters, 30 data sent to HP, 21

data transport methods, 22 disk space requirements, 17 email masquerading, 35 flow of metered usage data, 16 installation and support services, 21 missing usage reports, 21 ordering, 23

overview, 15 performing tasks, 41 preparation for installation, 26 recommended hardware, 17 Site Preparation Form, 95, 97 software, 19

software back up, 20 supported PPU platforms, 19 supported URS platforms, 18 swapping hardware, 17

test connection to PPU Agent, 83 transfer data through CD, 73 troubleshooting, 89

verify HP SIM software dependency, 78 verifying CIM server software is operational, 78 verifying connectivity to HP, 80

verifying email masquerading, 37 verifying hardware is operational, 77 verifying operation, 77

Utility Meter software add device, 56

Change a non-URS Disk Array to URS, 63 Change PPU WBEM Partition/Server Configuration

Parameters, 65

changing software parameters, 51 closing GUI, 47

completing installation and configuration, 39 configuration settings, 50

configure storage device namespace, 53 configuring Utility Meter parameters, 30 copy configuration settings, 53

data fields sent to HP, 101 dependencies, 20 device connection test, 70 Diagnose tab, 68 directory structure, 20 discover physical devices, 67 GUI Configure tab, 48 GUI Devices tab, 55

GUI GettingStarted tab, 47 GUI main window, 44

GUI Managed Devices Tree, 46 help information, 47

install and configuration overview, 25

installation, 28

installation skills required, 26 installing from HP Software Depot, 28 installing from media, 29

meter connection status, 69 modify device, 63 network configuration, 49

new for version 8.12.03(last release), 17 new for version 8.13, 17

obtaining, 19

preparation for installation, 26 remove device, 66

starting the GUI, 42 supported on HP-UX, 19 troubleshooting, 90 upgrading to version 8.13, 39 verify a storage device, 86

verify the data acquisition server is running, 82 verify the data transport method, 82 verifying software is operational, 77

Utility Pricing Solutions Web portal, 23


verifying a PPU partition, 82 verifying a storage device, 86

verifying connectivity from Utility Meter to HP, 80 verifying email masquerading, 37

verifying PPU Agent software configuration, 82 verifying the CIM server software is operational, 78 verifying the data acquisition server is running, 82 verifying the data transport method, 82

verifying the Utility Meter hardware is operational, 77 verifying the Utility Meter software is operational, 77 verifying Utility Meter operation, 77



add device, 59

verify software dependency, 88

106 Index

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HP Pay per use (PPU) manual Index