IMPORTANT: In some of the screenshots in this guide it has been necessary to either blur information or input invalid information in order to ensure the security of certain HP IP addresses and system names. These edits do not affect any Utility Meter procedures.
4 Common Utility Meter Tasks
Common Utility Meter Tasks lists the common tasks related to the Utility Meter and provides links to the information in this guide.
Table 1 Common Utility Meter Tasks
Get information about installing and configuring the Utility Meter software
Configure the
Install the Utility Meter software
Configure the Utility Meter parameters
Start the Utility Meter GUI
Modify the Utility Meter parameters (such as Utility Meter contact email address)
Copy the Utility Meter's current configuration to a backup file
Configure (add) a storage device namespace
Add a device to the Utility Meter
Modify a device in the Utility Meter
View information for a PPU WBEM Device
Remove a device from the Utility Meter
Discover the physical devices (disk arrays)
Transfer the usage data on a CD to HP
Ensure the Utility Meter's data acquisition server is running
Test the connection between a device and the Utility Meter
Verify the Utility Meter's operation
Troubleshoot the Utility Meter
Verify a PPU partition is communicating with the Utility Meter
Verify a storage device
Get information about the Utility Meter Site Preparation Form
Get information about the recommended Utility Meter system requirements
Get information about the Utility Meter GUI tasks
Get information about the Utility Pricing Solutions Web portal
Obtain this guide
Find documentation related to the Utility Meter
Get information about what data is sent to HP by the Utility Meter
Get information about missing usage reports
Chapter 2: “Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software”
Configuring the
Section 2.13: “Upgrading the Utility Meter Software to Version 8.13”
Installing the Utility Meter Software
Configuring the Utility Meter Parameters
Starting the Utility Meter GUI
To Change the Utility Meter Software Parameters
Copy the Meter’s Configuration
Storage Devices Namespace Configuration
Add Device
Modify Device
View Device
Remove Device
Discover Physical Devices
Transfer Data through CD Task
Meter Connection Status
Device Connection
Chapter 4: “Verifying Utility Meter Operation”
Chapter 5: “Troubleshooting the Utility Meter”
Verifying a PPU Partition
Verifying a Storage Device
Appendix A: “Site Preparation Form for Pay Per Use”
Appendix B: “Site Preparation Form for Utility Ready Storage”
Recommended Hardware
Utility Meter GUI Tasks
Utility Pricing Solutions Web Portal
Locating This Guide
Related Documentation
Appendix C: “Data Fields Sent from the Utility Meter to HP”
Missing Usage Reports
12 About This Document