| Host Command Summary | |
| Clear unprotected page to nulls | ESC : | |
| Clear unprotected page to nulls from cursor | ESC y | |
| Clear unprotected page foreground to nulls from cursor | ESC c Q | |
| Clear unprotected page to spaces | ESC ; or SUB | |
| Clear unprotected page to spaces from cursor | ESC Y | |
| Clear unprotected page foreground to spaces from cursor | ESC c P | |
| Clear unprotected page to specified character | ESC . *character | |
| Clear unprotected rectangle in 80 column page | ESC c F *line *col *character | |
| Clear unprotected rectangle in 132 column page | ESC c F *line ~ *col *character | |
| Clear unprotected to end of line with nulls | ESC c L | |
| Clear unprotected to end of line with spaces | ESC c O | |
| Box rectangle in 80 column page | ESC c G *line *column | |
| Box rectangle in 132 column page | ESC c G *line ~ *column | |
| Box rectangle to right of cursor | ESC c N *width *height | |
| Wyse 350 colour: |
| Select colour palette (* = palette ID in range 0 - ?) | ESC % * | |
| Redefine attribute association | ESC m *r *c *m |
*r = display attribute group or write protect to be redefined (range 0 - 8) *c = the colour assigned (range ! - 6)
*m = the monochrome attributes assigned:
0 = Normal, - = Reverse, . = Underline, / = Underline & reverse
Wyse 60 ASCII colour: Foreground colour palette Select border colour Background colour Assign foreground colour Assign background colour
Assign display attribute to unprotected characters Redefine character attribute association
Assign foreground/background colours
Assign fore/background colours to
ESC A a * ESC A b * ESC A c * ESC A d * ESC A e * ESC A f *
ESC A g *attr *f *b *assoc ESC A h *
ESC A i * ESC A j * ESC A k * ESC A l *
ESC A y *f *b *a
Address cursor in current 80/132 column page | ESC a *line R *column C |
Address cursor in current 80 column page | ESC = *line *column |
Address cursor in specific 80 column page | ESC w @ *page *line *column |
Address cursor in specific 80 column window/page | ESC - *win/pg *line *column |
Address cursor column | ESC _ |
Address cursor row | ESC [ |
Autowrap mode off | ESC d . |
Autowrap mode on | ESC d / |
Clear all tab stops | ESC 0 |
Clear tab stop | ESC 2 or ESC 3 |
Cursor down (scroll) | LF |
Cursor left | BS |