Setup Menus
TA6530 Settings
This dialog box is displayed by selecting TA 6530 in the Settings menu.
Power On Mode
Factory default: Conversational
This option determines the operating mode that is in effect when the TA6530 emulation is entered.
Note: Changing the current setting will not take effect until you re- load the emulation, so you will need to save the new setting before exiting the emulation.
Conversational and Block modes are normally used for applications running on a NonStop host system, and ANSI mode for applications running on an LXN host system. Save the new setting before exiting the emulation by selecting Save Session in the File menu.
Packet Block
Factory default: OFF
This option specifies whether you want to use packet blocking for X.25 communica- tions line support, and if so, the size of the packet block. The size may be set to any of the listed
Status Border
Factory default: Selected
This option enables you to display a thin border which separates the status line from the rest of the lines on the display.
Telserv Format
Factory default: Selected
The setting of this option determines how network data is treated. When selected, data will be treated in Tandem network server (Telserv) format. When unselected, data will be treated in serial format.