Host Command Summary
Normal/application cursor (VT100) | 1 |
80/132 columns | 3 |
Reverse/normal video | 5 |
Origin/normal | 6 |
Autowrap on/off | 7 |
Autorept on/off | 8 |
CNM | 21 |
Reset mode, ANSI specified modes
Reset mode, other private modes & XTERM private modes Restore mode, other private modes & XTERM private modes Save mode, other private modes & XTERM private modes Ignore everything between ESC - P and ESC \.
AIXTerm works as normal after ESC \
ESC [ * ;...; * ESC [ ? *;...;* l ESC [ ? *;...;* r ESC [ ? *;...;* s
ESC - P ... ESC \
Select numeric keypad application mode (VT100) | ESC = |
Select numeric keypad normal mode (VT100) | ESC > |
Disable manual input (HFT) | ESC ` |
Enable manual input (HFT) | ESC b |
Device status report (* is one of the following) | ESC [ * n |
Response from VT100: ready | 0 |
Command from host: please report status | 5 |
Command from host: report active position | 6 |
Keyboard status information | ESC [ * p |
PF key report (HFT) | ESC [ * q |
Report cursor position | ESC [ *l ; *c R |
Report terminal identity (host to VT100) | ESC [ c |
Report terminal identity (host to VT100) | ESC [ 0 c |
Terminal response (VT100 to host) | ESC [ ? 1 ; 2 c |