Copy Line - F8
When a printer is connected and enabled by the To Ext Dev function, clicking this button or pressing F8 will cause a copy of the line containing the cursor to be sent to the printer. The cursor will move to the leftmost column on the next line when the line has been printed.
Note: If the cursor is positioned on a line below the last display- able line of data, nothing will be sent to the printer. If the cursor is positioned on an empty line between two blocks of data, the printer will perform a carriage return and line feed.
Device Modes
Device Control - F1
Clicking this button or pressing F1 will cause the Device Control function labels to be displayed, enabling you to select the device(s) to which data is sent and also to copy portions of data from display memory to the printer. The buttons and keys F1 through F8 will function as described in the previous section entitled Device Control.
Record Mode - F2
This is used to copy data received from the host to the printer and/or display, depending on the setting of the To Ext Dev and To Display labels in the Device Control menu.
Note: This function does not take effect when the emulation is in Local mode. In Remote mode, received data is sent directly to the selected device(s).
The keyboard will be disabled when Record mode is activated except for the F2 key which is used to exit the mode.
Log Bottom - F3
When the cursor moves to the next line as a result of an explicit line feed or
Note: Both the emulation and the host must be using the ENQ/ ACK or Xon/Xoff handshakes or a baud rate that is no higher than the rate supported by the printer.