Getting Started
HP 700-92/96 Option
The HP Model option specifies what is reported back to the host in response to a terminal identification request. This can be set to 70092 (default), 2392A, 2622A, 70094 or 70096. (Note that not all features of the specified terminal may be supported.)
IBM 3151 Option
The setting of the IBM 3151 Model option identifies the terminal model being emulated in response to a terminal identification request from the host. Model 11 supports only one viewport containing 24 or 25 rows and 80 columns. Model 31 supports up to three viewports (80 or 132 columns wide) and
IBM 3270 Options
The setting of the IBM 3270 Model option specifies what is reported back to the host in response to a terminal identification request. (Note that not all features of the specified terminal may be supported.) TN3287 printing is supported by selecting
One of four display sizes can be selected:
3278 settings with the E extension provide support for the following extended attributes (these are supported by the 3279 as standard):
3270 Field Attributes
Extended Highlighting
Foreground Colour
Query Reply Inbound Structured Fields
The setting of the Left Ctrl acts as Reset Key option determines whether or not the left Control key performs the same function as the Reset key.
The setting of the Right Ctrl acts as Enter Key option determines whether or not the right Control key performs the same function as the keypad Enter key.