Initialization Commands
Window Minimized On Start-Up
Registry Entry: WindowSize = "minimized"
Command Line: -MI
Default Setting: Not applicable
These commands are only available for NT or XP embedded versions of the emulator. They will cause the window to be displayed as an icon when the emulator is loaded.
Window Maximized On Start-Up
Registry Entry: WindowSize = "maximized"
Command Line: -MA
Default Setting: Not applicable
These commands are only available for NT or XP embedded versions of the emulator. They will cause the window to be displayed at the maximum size possible when the emulator is loaded, while retaining the default number of lines and columns and including all window elements if enabled (title bar, soft buttons etc.).
Workspace Fills Screen On Start-Up
Registry Entry: WindowSize = "FullScreen"
Command Line: -F
Default Setting: Not applicable
These commands are only available for NT or XP embedded versions of the emulator. They will cause the emulation workspace to fill the entire display when the emulator is loaded, while retaining the default number of lines and columns.
Disable Window Frame Resize
Registry Entry: None
Command Line:
Default Setting: Enabled
This command is only available for NT or XP embedded versions of the emulator. It prevents the mouse from resizing the window by dragging the edge.