This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
























IBM RAID Controller Configuration Ver 2.12
































Adapter in Slot 1

























Create/Delete Array





















￿1. Help















￿2. Define hot-spare drive


￿￿ Array ￿￿￿￿

￿￿ Array ￿￿￿￿





￿1. RAID-5 ￿

￿3. Delete disk array













￿2. RAID-0 ￿

￿4. Create disk array



￿1 ￿



￿1 ￿







￿3. RAID-1 ￿

￿5. Define Logical drive













￿6. Format drive



￿2 ￿



￿2 ￿









￿7. Exit

















￿3 ￿ HSP ￿


￿3 ￿

























￿4 ￿ ONL ￿ A￿

￿4 ￿







￿Array Arrays


￿ Log















Size (MB)￿ Drv

(MB) Level



￿5 ￿ ONL ￿ A￿

￿5 ￿


















￿ A







￿6 ￿ ONL



￿6 ￿






























￿ ￿7 ￿

￿ ￿

￿7 ￿

￿ ￿














































Figure 37.

RAID Configuration Program - Logical Drive Definition - Array Selection


a.If only one hard disk has been assigned to the array, RAID level 0 will be automatically assigned and the pop-up menu does not appear.

b.If only two hard disks are assigned to the array, RAID-5 is not selectable, since at least three hard disk drives in an array are necessary to assign RAID level 5 to one of the logical drives.

c.Define any RAID-5 logical drives first. This is because the first logical drive seen will be the first RAID-5 drive created and will be assigned drive letter C. In this way, the operating system will be installed on a RAID-5 drive.

d.The three RAID levels (0, 1 and 5) can be mixed in the same array allowing the user to chose the optimum RAID level for each data type.

e.It is, however, not recommended to mix RAID-0 with the others levels if a hot-spare drive is defined, since an automatic rebuild would not be possible.

3.Assign the RAID level wanted and press Enter.

The logical drive size pop-up menu shows the space available in this array for logical drives.

RAID-5 has been chosen in this example.

Chapter 2. H a r d w a r e Configuration 45

Page 55
Image 55
IBM SG24-4763-00 manual Raid