This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Backup / Restore System Programs
Select One:
1. | Backup | the | system | diskette | 1 |
2. | Backup | the | system | partition | 2 |
3. | Restore the system partition | 3 |
| Enter | F1=Help | F3=Exit | |
Figure 13. System Programs - Backup/Restore System Programs Menu
The following options are available:
1 Backup the system diskettes
Makes a backup copy of the Reference and Diagnostic diskettes.
2 Backup the system partition
Makes a backup of the system partition from the hard disk drive to diskettes.
You need two diskettes to perform this procedure.
3 Restore the system partition
Restores the system partition from the backup diskettes. Use this utility program to rebuild the system partition in case of accidental loss or damage. (Note: you can only use this option when the system programs are running from a diskette.) Set Configuration Menu
The Set Configuration menu allows you to work with the system configuration. Select this option to view, change, backup or restore the configuration. The Set Configuration menu is shown in Figure 14 on page 22.
Chapter 2. H a r d w a r e Configuration 21