



Account Type: Windows

Indicates that the user account is defined in


a Windows Domain or Workgroup. The


account is used to attempt to log in to all


Windows devices within the domain or




When you choose this option, you must


provide the Windows Domain or Workgroup


name in the Domain/Host box.



Account Type: Windows Active Directory

Indicates that the user account is defined in


a Windows Active Directory Domain. The


account is used to attempt to log in to all


Windows devices within the Active


Directory domain.


When you choose this option, you must


provide the Active Directory Domain name


in the Domain/Host box.




Account Type: SSH Local

Indicates that the user account is defined



locally on a single Unix device that allows


SSH logons. The account is used to attempt


login to a single Unix device.


When you choose this option, you must


provide an IP address in the Domain/Host






Account Type: SSH Domain

Indicates that the user account is defined for



Unix devices that allow SSH logons. In this


context, Domainloosely refers to a set of


devices, rather than to a specific type of


domain. The account is used to attempt to


log in to all SSH devices covered by the




When you choose this option, you should


supply a descriptive name in the


Domain/Host box. This is for


documentation purposes only; it is not used


by Enterprise Scanner.




Applies to one of the following domains or





For Windows accounts, the domain or



host name to which the account applies.


v For SSH Local accounts, the IP address of



the device to which the account applies.


v For SSH Domain accounts, any text.

Account Level

Applies to one of the following accounts:










Important: To avoid locking an account, do not add the account more than once.

56Enterprise Scanner: User Guide

Page 64
Image 64
IBM Partner Pavilion 2.3 manual Option Description Account Type Windows, Domain/Workgroup