Maxtor 10K III Test routine in the background mode, 011b Reserved, Tine in the foreground mode

Models: 10K III

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￿ ￿
Parameter List Length
DevOnl UnitOfl
SCSI Description
￿￿￿￿5'0&The￿&+#)0156+%SEND DIAGNOSTIC￿%QOOCPFcommand￿￿￿&Jsends￿a diagnostic page to the drive. Refer to the RECEIVE DIAGNOSTICS RESULTS command for a description of the diagnostic pages and the use of the diagnostic commands. The Supported Diagnostic Page List (Table -199)and Translate Page List (Table 5-200)can be sent with this command. Table -197shows the SEND DIAGNOSTIC CDB data format and Table -198shows the field descriptions.
SEND DIAGNOSTIC Command Descriptor Block-Data Format
Operation Code (1Dh)


3 - 4

$[VG$KV￿￿SEND DIAGNOSTIC￿ ￿Command￿-Field Descriptions￿


When the SelfTest bit is set to one, the Function code field is 000b. When the Self-


Test bit is cleared to zero, the content of the Function code field is specified as fol-





000b: Value to be used when the SelfTest bit is set to one or if the SEND DIAGNOS-


TIC command is not invoking one of the other self-test function codes (for example,


Translate Address page)


001b: Background short self-test. The device server will start its short self-test rou-

Table5tine-197in the background mode.


010b: Background extended self test. The device server will start its extended self-


test routine in the background mode.


011b: Reserved



100b: Abort background self-test. Abort the current self-test running in background


mode. This value is only valid if a previous SEND DIAGNOSTIC command specified


Background self-test function and that function has not completed. If either of


these conditions is not true, then the device server will respond by returning a


CHECK CONDITION with a sense key of NOT READY and an additional sense code





short self-test. The device server will start its short self-test rou-


tine in the foreground mode


110b: Foreground extended self-test. The device server will start its extended self-


test routine in the foreground mode


111b: Reserved





Page Format. When the PF bit is 1, the parameters that follow conform to the Sup-


ported Diagnostic Page List (Table 5-199)or the Translate Address Page


(Table 5-200).




SelfTest is ignored when PF = 1.

The PF bit must be 1 if Parameter List Length is not 0.

Maxtor Atlas 10K III


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Maxtor 10K III manual Test routine in the background mode, 011b Reserved, Logical Unit not READY, SELF-TEST in Progress