Feature Descriptions

6TCPUOKVVGTThis is an open￿2TG-￿loop%QORGPUCVKQPmethod of compensating￿YKVJ￿%WVDCEMfor some￿of the signal loss that is most severe on the first part of a signal’s transition.

(TGGFRC￿4WPPKPIis used￿to%NQEMimprove￿￿(4%integrity￿￿of the clock signal by removing inter-symbol interference (ISI). By having a clock running at a constant neutralized. The free running clock is restricted for use with DT information unit transfers at 320 megabytes per second.

5MGYSkew￿%QORGPUCVKQPc ompensation of￿data signals relative to the clock signal; an Ultra320 SCSI device can establish skew compensation simulta-neously for each of the received

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿transitions on the data lines so that they occur at the correct time relative to the clock.

+PHQTOCVKQPIUT (or “IU￿7PKVTransfers,￿6TCPUHGTU” also ￿known as “packetized transfers”) is a method to encapsulate non-data information (like commands sent from the initiator to the target and status sent from the target to the initiator) into packets and transfer those packets at the maximum negotiated data rate of up to 320 megabytes per second. A method to transfer packets for a number of I/O processes without an intervening physical disconnection. A method to minimize overhead by eliminating several bus phase changes per I/O process.

￿￿￿￿*16The￿2.Maxtor7))+0)Atlas￿4'/18#10K III SCA.￿low#0&voltage￿+05'46+10differential￿1((LVD)￿5%5+disk￿&'8+%'5drives are designed for use in “Hot Swap” applications within a properly designed and configured SCSI system. With care, system integrators can design storage arrays and/or SCSI buses using Maxtor Atlas 10K III disk drives that are “Hot Swap Case 4" tolerant.

Case is defined as follows:

Devices are powered and the bus may have active I/O processes ongoing, but the device being removed or inserted must be idle (no ongoing I/O processes during the insertion/removal).

Ground connections to the drive must be made and maintained for

millisecond before, during, and millisecond after the insertion/ removal. The SCA-2 connector used on the Maxtor Atlas 10K III disk drive meets this requirement.

Device circuitry connected to bus pins must remain “glitch” free during power up or power down.

Note: In a multimode environment, any insertion or removal that changes the bus mode causes a transceiver mode change reset event.

Maxtor Atlas 10K III 6-13

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Maxtor manual Maxtor Atlas 10K III