
￿￿￿￿￿￿￿&GNC[Maxtor￿5RKP￿￿Atlas&5￿￿￿10K5VCIIGTIII drives￿5RKP￿￿have55￿three Spin Up modes:

Spin5VCIIGT0Q￿LWORGTUup immediately￿5RKP￿KPUVCNNGF￿LWORGTwhen￿KPUVCNNGFpower￿￿is applied. Verify that no jumper is installed 1RVKQP￿￿￿￿across the Delay Spin pin pair of the J3 Option Header.

Spin up after a predetermined delay following power on: Install the jumper across pin pair 21/22 (GND/Stagger Spin) on the J3 Option Header. Set the delay parameters with the MODE SELECT command, Maxtor (Vendor) Special Function Control Page (39h). The delay is equal to a user-specified multiplier, multiplied by the numerical SCSI ID of the drive. This will give a staggered spin-up in multiple-drive installations.

1RVKQP￿￿￿￿Spin&GNC[up￿5RKPon START￿LWORGTSTOP￿KPUVCNNGFUNIT￿￿command: Install the jumper across pin pair

11/12 (GND/Delay Spin) on the J3 Option Header. Remove any jumper from pin pair 21/22 (GND/Stagger Spin) if a jumper is installed there, on the Secondary Option connector.

5KPINGInstall￿'PFGFa jumper￿1RGTCVKQPacross￿;pin￿(QTEGpair￿5'13/14￿￿&KUCDNG(SE) on￿.8&the￿J3 Option Header) to operate the disk drive as a single-ended device. Remove the SE jumper for LVD operation and

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ monitoring of the DIFFSENS signal.

Busy and FaultCPF￿(CWNVstatus￿&KURNC[Uof the drive can be monitored remotely by connecting a remote (external) Busy and/or remote Fault display LEDs to the appropriate pins

4GOQVG￿on the$WU[￿J3 Option Header or the J1 Option Connector.

On the J3 Option.'&Header, connect the cathode side of the remote Busy LED to pin 18, Busy Out. Connect the anode side of the LED to pin 17, +5V.

On the J1 Option Connector, connect the cathode side of the remote Busy LED to pin 8, Busy Out. Connect the anode side of the LED to pin 11, +5V.

4GOQVGOn ￿the(CWNVJ3￿.Option'&Header, connect the cathode side of the remote Fault LED to pin 9, Fault LED. Connect the anode side of the LED to pin 17, +5V.

On the J1 Option Connector, connect the cathode side of the remote Fault LED to pin 2, Fault LED. Connect the anode side of the LED to pin 11, +5V.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿0Q￿9KFGWide￿￿Data'PCDNGTransfer￿0CTTQY(WDTR)￿/QFG￿￿negations can be limited to 8-bit transfers by installing a jumper across pin pairs 23/24 (No Wide) of the J3 Option Header. This can also be done by setting byte 5, bit 4 in the Maxtor (Vendor) Unique Mode Page (39h) via the Mode Select command (15h).

Maxtor Atlas 10K III 3-9

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Image 35
Maxtor 10K III manual Installation