Chapter 13 Troubleshooting Call Center 169
Do Not Disturb
Instead of using Do Not Disturb, agents must use the Not Ready Feature Code (≤·‚°). If agents use Do Not Disturb they are automatically logged out or made not ready after the first call.
Call Forward No Answer
When an agent’s phone is on Call Forward No Answer to the voicemail extension, the number of rings for Call Forward No Answer must be less than the number of rings for Transfer Callback Timeout. If a call is forwarded by CFNA to another agent and is answered by that agent, the original agent who has CFNA setting is made Not Ready or logged out instead of staying idle.
Preventing calls from ringing at an agent’s set
To prevent agents who are on a Call Center call from having a second internal call ring on their phone, set the Call Forward on Busy feature for your set to the voicemail DN.
For information on programming any of these settings, refer to the Norstar System Coordinator Guide if you use another system.
Hunt groups
Do not program an agent telephone to be a member of a Hunt Group.
Automatic Answer
How Automatic Answer works depends on what type of telephones your call center uses:
•Norstar telephones: If you use a headset, calls ring at the telephone and the headset, but calls go to the headset.
•Business Series Terminals: If you connect the headset before you connect the telephone cable to the phone jack, calls goes to the handsfree speaker. If you plug in the telephone before you connect the headset, calls go to the headset as long as you have initialized the headset by pressing the headset button and then the release button. Calls always ring at the set. Every time you reconnect the headset you must initialize the headset. Calls always ring at the set.
•T7316e: This type of telephone is safe to use for Automatic Answer.
Silent Monitor
If agents answer calls using features like Answer DN or Call Pickup on a set they are not logged onto, you cannot monitor these calls. You can do monitoring for wireless sets (including Companion, KIRK and DECT sets), only if the agent logs onto the set.
Call Center Telephone Administration Guide