Chapter 7
Off-premise Message Notification
About Off-premise Message Notification
Note: Set up
You can receive notification of a message at a maximum of five different destination numbers. When the number of retry attempts is reached for each destination number, the next number in the series is called. For example, Call Center can call your car telephone first when there is a message in the skillset mailbox. If there is no answer, Call Center waits five minutes and calls your car telephone again. If there is still no answer, Call Center calls your car telephone a third time. If there is no answer after three calls, Call Center calls your home telephone. Call Center continues to call at five minute intervals until the call is answered or all of the destinations are called three times.
Class of Service 1 has these default settings for
•a Retry Interval of five minutes
•a Maximum Number of Attempts of 3
For information about changing Class of Service settings, refer to the CallPilot Manager Set Up and Operation Guide.
You must assign start and stop times for telephone and destinations.
A person who receives an
The recipient of an
After you set the
Call Center Telephone Administration Guide