9Are you using a printer selection switch or a printer buffer?
10Is your cable too long?
Do not use a cable that is longer than you need. The signals become more unstable as the cable gets longer.
11Are you using the wrong ink cartridges?
Use only the recommended ink cartridges. Do not use ink cartridges from other manufacturers.
12Are the ink cartridges correctly installed?
Insert ink cartridges in the carriage with the iden- tification markings (B side) face up. This applies to all ink cartridges except the reversible types : Econo Black and Finish II.
13Is the ribbon on an ink cartridges used up?
When the ribbon in an ink cartridge has been used up, black and silver stripes will be visible on the ribbon. When these appear install a new ink
cartridge. After replacing the ink cartridge, print- ing will continue from where it left off.
14Do you have enough hard disk space?
15Does the hard disk have areas where reading or writing are unreliable?
If there are areas on the hard disk where reading or writing are unreliable, sometimes a printing error will occur and printing will stop. Periodi- cally use a utility like SCANDISK that comes with
Printing is light, distorted, or has gaps
1Has one of ribbons separated from the head?
Stop the printing and reinstall all the ink car- tridges. Take up any slack in the ribbons. If a par- ticular ink cartridge repeatedly causes problems, try a different ink cartridge.
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