Automation and Drives - SCE that are visible/Parameters that can be changed There are two main types of parameters:
-Parameters that can be changed are marked P….
-Parameter, that can only be read are marked r….
Not every parameter can always be viewed/modified. This can be influenced with the following parameters:
P0004 Parameter Filter
Filters parameters according to functionality, to specify settings during startup.
The following filter settings can be made:
0:All parameters
4:Speed sensor
5:Technological application/units
7:Commands, Digital I/O
8:AI and AO
10:Setpoint channel/RFG
12:Drive characteristics
13:Motor control
19:Motor identification
22:Technology controller
P0003 User Access Level
Specifies the level for parameter access. For most simple applications, the factory setting (standard) is sufficient.
The following access levels are implemented in the converters:
0:User defined parameter list; for details, refer to P0013
1:Standard: permits access to the parameters needed most often
2:Expanded: permits expanded access to converter functions/IO functions, for example
3:Expert: only for experts
4:Service: only for use by authorized Service; password protected
| Preface | Notes | Startup with PROFIBUS | Startup with PROFINET | Program Example |
T I A Training Document |
| Page 42 of 147 |
| Module | |
| H01 |
Issued: 02/2008 |
| Frequency Converter SINAMICS G120 on PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET |