Automation and Drives - SCE
Optional Additional Components
Numerous supplementary components are available for the SINAMICS G120, such as:
•Basic Operator Panel (BOP)
With the Basic Operator Panel BOP
•PC Converter – Connecting Set (PC Connection Kit)
This kit is used for controlling and starting up a converter directly from the PC, provided the corresponding software (STARTER) is installed. The startup tool STARTER on CD ROM is included in the PC Converter Connection Set.
•Brake Relay
With the brake relay, you can set up a connection between the power module and an electro- mechanical motor brake. Thus, the motor brake can be controlled directly with the control unit.
•Safe Brake Relay
With the safe brake relay, you can establish a connection between the power module and an
•MicroMemoryCard (MMC)
On the MMC, you can store the parameter assignment of the converter. If servicing is required, the plant is immediately ready after the converter is replaced and the data is copied back from the memory card. The associated slot is located on top of the control unit.
•Line-Side Power Components
•Network Filters Class A and B
With an additional network filter, the Power Module PM240 attains a higher radio interference class.
•Line Reactors
A line reactor is needed if the system fault level is high, for two reasons: on the one hand, to protect the converter itself from harmonic currents and overloads, on the other hand to limit system perturbation to the permissible values.
| Preface | Notes | Startup with PROFIBUS | Startup with PROFINET | Program Example |
T I A Training Document |
| Page 14 of 147 |
| Module | |
| H01 |
Issued: 02/2008 |
| Frequency Converter SINAMICS G120 on PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET |