4220 Flow Meter Appendix C Programming Worksheets
C.4 Reset Totalizer
C.5 Sampler Pacing
C.6 Sampler Enable
6.(YSI 600 D.O. Calibration only): D.O. Standard, Absolute Barometric Pressure, Altitude
7.Altitude Units Of Measure: Ft., M (D.O. probe only)___ (job site only)
8.(D.O. only) Enter Altitude: Altitude = _______ Feet (or meters, at job site only)
9.Wrap D.O. Probe In Moist Cloth: Press Enter When Stable: __.____ MG/L (at job site only)
10.Conductivity Calibration Units: Ms/cm, Ppt__________
11.Place Probe In ______Ms/cm. (or ppt) Press Enter When Stable: _______Ms/cm (at job site only)
12.YSI 600 Dissolved Oxygen Calibration: D.O. Standard, Absolute Barometric Pressure, Altitude
1.Reset Totalizer: Yes, No
2.Enable Totalizer ______CF (or other units)_______
3.Reset Sampler Enable Totalizer: Yes, No
1.Sampler Pacing: Disable, (Volume), (Flowlink), Conditional
2.Sampler Pacing: Enter Pacing Volume __.____ CF
3.Condition: Level, Flow Rate, Rainfall, D.O., pH, Tempera- ture, YSI pH, YSI D.O., YSI Conductivity, YSI Tempera- ture
4.Condition: Greater Than, Less Than, Rate Of Change
5.Select Operator: Done, Or, And
6.Condition True Pacing Interval: Pace Every _____ Minutes.
7.Condition False Pacing Interval: Pace Every _____ Min- utes.
1.Sampler Enable Mode: Disable, Enable, Conditional, (Storm), (Flowlink)
2.Level: Greater Than __.____ Feet (or meters)
3.Rainfall Amount: __.____ Inches (other units)
4.Rainfall Time Period: 15 Min, 30 Min, 1 Hr, 2 Hr, 4 Hr, 6 Hr, 8 Hr, 12 Hr, 24 Hr, 48 Hr, 72 Hr
5.Time Since Last Rainfall: Days: ______ (enter 1 to 7)
6.Condition: Level, Flow Rate, D.O., pH, Temperature, Rain- fall, YSI pH, YSI D.O., YSI Conductivity, YSI Temperature
7.Level: Greater Than, Less Than, Rate Of Change
8.Level: Greater Than __.____ Feet (or meters)
9.Select Operator: Done, Or, And
10.Flow Rate: Greater Than, Less Than, Rate Of Change
11.When Enable Condition Is No Longer Met: Disable Sam- pler, Keep Enabled
12.Enable Currently Latched, Reset: No, Yes