4220 Flow Meter
Appendix C Programming Worksheets
22.Mann. Rectangular: Slope = __.____ Rough = __.____
23.Mann. Rectangular: Width = __.____ Feet (or meters)
24.Mann. Trapezoid: Slope = __.____ Rough = __.____
25.Mann. Trapezoid: Top Width = __.____ Feet (or meters)
26.Mann. Trapez.: Bottom Width = __.____ Feet (or meters)
27.Select Data Set: One, Two, Three, Four, (None)
28.Level Units For Data Point Entry: Ft., In, M, Mm
29.Flow Rate Units: GPM, GPS, MGD, CFS, CFM, M3S, M3H, M3D, LPS, CFD, GPH, AFD, CFH, CFM, M3M
31.Set 1 Data Point 1: Enter: __.____ (level units) __.____
(units of volume) Enter data points in the table below. If you have multiple data point sets, photocopy this table.
Data Point Set
Level Flow Level Flow Level Flow Level
C.3 Parameter to Adjust
Enter Maximum Head
32. Maximum Flow: ___._____ (units of measure)
1. Parameter To Adjust: None, Level, pH, D.O., YSI 600
2.(Job Site only) Enter Current Level: __.____ Ft (or M).
Note: Installations generally use either the Isco parameter probes or the YSI 600 Sonde, but not both. Use the follow- ing menus for either the Isco probes or the YSI 600 Sonde. Steps 3, 4, and 5 can be used for both 2 and
3.Rinse Probe And Place In 4.0 pH Solution: Press Enter When Stable __.____ pH (job site only)
4.Rinse Probe And Place In 7.0 pH Solution: Press Enter When Stable __.____ pH (job site only)
5.Rinse Probe And Place In 10.0 pH Solution: Press Enter When Stable __.____ pH (job site only)