4220 Flow Meter
Section 2 Programming
Programming for the conditions and values that determine the operation of the
The information in the following section is provided for those who can write their own software programs to process the data transmitted from the Serial Output port. Special cables may be required. Contact Teledyne Isco technical support for more information.
Serial Output – Returning to the OPTIONAL OUTPUTS menu, you will see the SERIAL OUTPUt option. This feature lets the flow meter transmit the most recent values for all currently enabled ports as ASCII text. You can then write a simple program to retrieve this data periodically, or you can do it inter- actively using a terminal program.
Command Line: (Use the INTERROGATOR connector.) The lines of text contain the port values for each port that is turned on. The DATA command will use a special command response protocol. The following table provides the ASCII codes for port types and standard units of measure.
Table 2-1 ASCII Output Codes
Code | Parameter | Units |
DE | Description | String |
ID | Unit specific identifier | Unsigned long |
MO | Model | String |
TI | Time since 1900 | Days |
BV | Battery Voltage | Volts |
LE | Level | Meters |
LSI | Level Signal Strength | 0 - 100% |
FL | Flow | Cubic meters per second |
VO | Volume | Cubic meters |
FV | Forward volume | Cubic meters |
RV | Reverse volume | Cubic meters |
SV | Sampler Enabled Volume | Cubic Meters |
RA | Rain (rolls over every 255 tips) | Tips |
CR | Current day’s rain (tips since | Tips |
| midnight) |
PR | Previous day’s rain (tips since | Tips |
| midnight) |
PH | pH | pH units |
DO | Dissolved Oxygen | Milligrams per liter |
TE | Temperature | Degrees Celsius |
YPH | YSI 600 pH | pH units |
YDO | YSI Dissolved Oxygen | Milligrams per liters |