4220 Flow Meter

Section 2 Programming

These devices require periodic calibration for accurate sensing. See Section 5 for more information about the dissolved oxygen probe.

If you are not using the D. O. probe, you would select NOT MEA- SURED for this step.

Selection of PPM or MG/L will keep references to pH from showing up on subsequent menus.


• DEG F • • DEG C • • (NOT MEASURED) •

This step sets up measurement of the temperature of the flow stream. You must have an Isco Temperature Probe (or approved equivalent) attached to the flow meter's Parameter Port. The temperature probe contains a thermistor and needs no further calibration. Measurement is in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahr- enheit. If you are not using the temperature probe, you would select NOT MEASURED for this step.

Note that if you are using either the pH or D. O. probe, temper- ature must be measured; the NOT MEASURED option will not even appear.

YSI Sonde – The following series of menus concerns the use of the YSI 600 Multi-Parameter Sonde. This probe allows you to measure several different characteristics of a flow stream at the same time. The YSI 600 Sonde attaches to the Rain Gauge con- nector on the 4220. This connector must be a special, modified connector with nine pins.


4220 Flow Meters with 4-pin Rain Gauge connectors cannot support the YSI 600. It is necessary to return the flow meter to the factory for modifications if you wish to use a YSI 600 Sonde. In addition to the connector, there are significant inter- nal modifications to the flow meter’s electronics and software.

You can use both the YSI Sonde and a Rain Gauge on flow meters that support the YSI with a special Y-connect cable. Note that the YSI 600 Sonde differs from the previously-mentioned pH and D.O. probes. The YSI 600 can measure pH and D.O. at the same time, as well as temperature and conductivity. If you are not using the YSI 600 sonde, select NO in the following display and the flow meter will advance to the next step. Otherwise, select YES.


• YES • • NO •

If you select NO, you will be unable to activate the YSI Sonde later in the program.

If no communication has been confirmed, the following display will appear:


• YES • • NO •


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Teledyne 4220 installation and operation guide Temperature Units