4220 Flow Meter
Section 2 Programming
Select the language appropriate for your application. The menus and the printed reports will appear in the selected language. Press Enter. The SETUP menu will reappear. This time select PROGRAM LOCK from the menu. Press Enter:
• ON • • OFF •
PROGRAM LOCK keeps the program from being changed. Select OFF while you are programming, and then go back and select ON if you need to lock the program. At that, we suggest using the lock only if there are compelling security reasons.
Further changes will require entry of the password, which is the model number of the flow meter: 4220. If you select ON, there is a
If you continue to work through the rest of the program, the lock will not engage until you are done. But if you stop programming longer than two minutes, the lock will engage, and you will not be able to make any further program changes.
Press Enter and the SETUP menu will reappear.
2.4.3 Step 1 - Program
PROGRAM will flash. (Note that PROGRAM is always the default choice. That is because you are more likely to need to make changes in the PROGRAM section of the software than in the SETUP section.)
If you choose NOT MEASURED for any selection, the flow meter will make no further reference to that function for the rest of the program, and you will be unable to activate that function later. If there is a feature you need that does not appear when the manual says it should, return to step 1 and make sure you have not accidentally left it turned off.
If you program a parameter value as a condition for sampler enabling, pacing, dialout, etc., and then turn that parameter sensor off, the flow meter will also remove that condition from the program.
Consider all aspects of your program before you make any changes!
Press Enter. The following will appear:
• FT • • IN • • M • • MM • • NOT MEASURED •
Selection of feet, inches, meters or mm depends on your situ- ation. You would select NOT MEASURED if you were using the flow meter for some other form of sensing only, such as pH, or