4220 Flow Meter
Section 6 Maintenance and Service
6.1Routine Maintenance The following sections provide routine maintenance and ser-
and Minor Service | vicing instructions. Included are sections on cleaning the flow |
| meter, reactivating the desiccators, maintaining the bubble line, |
| servicing the internal printer, elementary troubleshooting and |
| servicing CMOS circuitry. |
| Teledyne Isco recommends that you become familiar with the |
| maintenance procedures presented here. While the 4220 is rug- |
| gedly built to withstand severe field conditions, it will function |
| best and remain most reliable if you follow these simple proce- |
| dures. |
6.1.1Care of the Flow Meter If you close and latch the lid, and cap all the M/S connectors on
Case | the side of the case tightly, you can clean the case by spraying it |
| with a hose or washing it with soapy water. Do not use a hose |
| with a nozzle or a high pressure |
| the flow meter in a tank of water to wash it. The flow meter can |
| usually withstand accidental submersion in water, if that should |
| occur, but it is not intended for routine submersion. |
6.1.2Care of the Case Seal From time to time you should inspect the case seal and clean it, if necessary. The ridge around the edge of the case and the groove on the cabinet door form a seal when the door is closed. Keep this seal free of dirt, sand, etc. If it isn't, clean it carefully with a damp cloth. Also keep the rubber gasket in the lid clean. You can clean it with a small brush and a damp cloth. If you do any cleaning while the case is open, be careful not to let any dirt or debris fall inside the flow meter assembly. It is best to work on the flow meter with the case standing upright. If you don't maintain the seals properly, they may leak, causing damage and eventual failure of the components inside.
6.1.3Preventing Moisture To prevent moisture damage to the internal components, keep
Damage | the lid tightly latched at all times, except when it is necessary to |
| change the program or change the chart. Do not operate the flow |
| meter routinely with the case open. This will expose the internal |
| components to dirt and moisture; it will also saturate the des- |
| iccant canister inside the case very quickly. Inspect this canister |
| periodically and recharge it as necessary as described subse- |
| quently. It is also important to keep the external connectors clean |
| by keeping the mating connectors or the protective caps tightly |
| screwed down. Under severe operating conditions you can spray |
| the threads of the connectors with a cleaner/lubricant such as Jif |
| or |
| terminals (pins or jacks) inside the connectors; residue from the |
| sprays could cause intermittent or failed connections. |