4220 Flow Meter
Section 2 Programming
2.4.6Step 4 - Reset Totalizer This step allows you to reset the flow meter's internal flow totalizer. Note that there is the possibility of more than one totalizer. All models have the capability of maintaining a sep- arate totalizer for the time the sampler is enabled through the sampler enabling feature (step 6).
If you select step 4, the following will appear:
• YES • • NO •
If you select NO, the flow meter will advance to the next step. If you select YES, the flow meter will reset the internal totalizer to zero.
Then, if you have sampler enabling turned on (step 6), the flow meter will ask you whether you want to reset the totalizer for the total flow during the time the sampler was enabled. (See step 6 for an explanation of sampler enabling.)
| ENABLE TOTALIZER XX CF (or other units of measure) |
| Then: | |
| |
| • YES • • NO • |
2.4.7 Step 5 - Sampler | This step determines how the flow meter will signal an asso- | |
Pacing | ciated automatic wastewater sampler to take a sample. The flow | |
| meter and sampler must be connected together with a cable. The | |
| flow meter sends flow pulses to the sampler. The sampler uses | |
| these flow pulses as counts. When an appropriate number of flow | |
| pulses has been received by the sampler, it will take a sample. If | |
| you select step 5, the following will appear: | |
| |
| VOLUME will not appear if the flow meter is measuring level | |
| only, or is only being used for parameter monitoring. | |
| The Flowlink menu option will not appear unless Flowlink | |
| software is installed and pacing has been downloaded from | |
| Flowlink. | |
| If you select DISABLE for sampler pacing, the flow meter will be | |
| effectively disconnected from the sampler. The sampler will run | |
| its program as if the flow meter weren't there. Selection of | |
| DISABLE will also cause the flow meter to advance to the next | |
| Program step. If you select VOLUME for sampler pacing, the fol- | |
| lowing will appear: | |
| |
| • Other units of measure may appear here. The range for | |
| pacing is max. flow divided by 100 (minimum) or 10,000 | |
| times max. flow (maximum.) | |
| If Flowlink appears for sampler pacing, the operation of sampler | |
| pacing has been determined by choices made in Flowlink, Isco's | |
| proprietary data acquisition and storage software. Flowlink con- |