1. On the Scan Configuration Properties dialog box, type a name.
Type a new name for the configuration.
Select the scan mode and drag the slider to set the resolution.
Drag the sliders to set the Brightness and Contrast.
If the configuration is locked, click the lock to unlock it. The icon becomes a key as shown here.
Tip: If you’re going to set up the new configuration for special types of scans, include that in the name, such as “Scan for Dark Print” as a reminder that you designed it for items with dark print.
Note: If you select a printer or other device in the Select Destinations list, the dialog box may have an additional Device Settings tab for setting specific options for the particular device.
2.Select scan settings for the new scan configuration.
■Black&White to scan in black and white. For example, letters and memos are usually scanned in black and white. This scan mode produces the smallest file size.
■Grayscale to scan items such as documents containing drawings or black and white photographs. The scanning produces an image of up to 256 shades of gray.
■Color to scan color photographs and other color items. Color scans have the largest file size.