Firebox Monitors
Block Network eth2
Logging options
Logging options configured with either the QuickSetup wizard or by adding
and configuring services from Policy Manager.
Logging options:
Outgoing traceroute
Incoming traceroute logged(warning) notifies(traceroute) hostile
Outgoing ping
Incoming ping
Outgoing Archie
Incoming Archie logged(warning) printed notifies(Archie) hostile
Outgoing SNMP
Incoming SNMP hostile
RIP logged(warning) hostile
Authentication host information
The types of authentication being used and the IP address of the
authentication server.
Using local authentication for Remote User VPN.
Using radius authentication from
Statistics on the memory usage of the currently running Firebox. Numbers
shown are bytes of memory:
Memory: total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached:
Mem: 15372288 4886528 10485760 2318336 2061024 917504
Load average
The number of jobs in the run queue averaged over 1, 5, and 15 minutes. The
fourth number pair is the number of processes active/number of total
processes running, and the last number is the next process ID number:
Load Average:
0.03 0.29 2.08 3/37 22130
The process ID, the name of the process, and the status of the process:
- R – Running
- S – Sleeping
- Z – Zombie
It also displays four numbers showing memory information for each process:
- Size of the executable
- Kilobytes of program in memory
- Size of the executable minus the shared memory portion
- Data size plus stack
1 init S 872 452 456 388
2 kflushd S0000
3 kswapd S0000
38 liedentd S 716 280 296 232
39 firewalld R 1844 1460 1364 1060