Service precedence | 56 |
CHAPTER 9 Controlling Web Traffic | 59 |
How WebBlocker works | 59 |
Configuring the WebBlocker service | 60 |
Manually downloading the WebBlocker database | 62 |
CHAPTER 10 Setting Up Network Address Translation | 63 |
What is dynamic NAT? | 63 |
Using simple dynamic NAT | 64 |
Using | 65 |
Configuring a service for incoming static NAT | 66 |
CHAPTER 11 Setting Up Logging and Notification | 69 |
Ensure logging with failover logging | 69 |
WatchGuard logging architecture | 70 |
Designating Event Processors for a Firebox | 70 |
Setting up the LiveSecurity Event Processor | 73 |
Setting global logging and notification preferences | 75 |
Customizing logging and notification by service or option | 76 |
CHAPTER 12 Connect with | 79 |
Connecting a Firebox with OOB management | 79 |
Enabling the Management Station | 79 |
Configuring the Firebox for OOB | 81 |
Establishing an OOB connection | 81 |
PART IV Administering a Security Policy | 83 |
CHAPTER 13 Creating Aliases and Implementing Authentication | .. 85 |
Using host aliases | 85 |
What is user authentication? | 87 |
Configuring Firebox authentication | 88 |
Configuring Windows NT Server authentication | 88 |
Configuring RADIUS server authentication | 89 |
Configuring CRYPTOCard server authentication | 90 |
Configuring SecurID authentication | 91 |
Using authentication to define remote user VPN access | 92 |
CHAPTER 14 Monitoring Firebox Activity | 93 |
Firebox Monitors | 93 |
HostWatch | 98 |
User Guide | ix |