Customizing logging and notification by service or option
Send Notification
Enable this checkbox to enable notification on the event type; clear it to disable logging for the event type.
The remaining controls are active when you enable the Send Notification checkbox:
Triggers an
Triggers a page when the event occurs. Set the pager number in the
Notification tab of the LiveSecurity Event Processor.
Popup Window
Triggers a
Custom Program
Triggers a custom program when the event occurs. WatchGuard allows only one notification type per event. A custom batch file or program enables you to trigger multiple types of notification. Type the full path to the program in the accompanying field, or use Browse to locate and select the program.
Setting Launch Interval and Repeat Count
There are two parameters that work in conjunction with the Event Processor Repeat Interval to control notification timing:
Launch Interval
The minimum time (in minutes) between separate launches of a notifier. Set this parameter to prevent the launch of several notifiers in response to similar events that take place in a short amount of time.
Repeat Count
The threshold for how often a notifier can repeat before the Firebox activates the special repeat notifier. The repeat notifier creates a log entry that the notifier in question is repeating. Notification repeats only after this number of events occurs.
For an example of how launch interval and repeat count interact, see the Network Security Handbook.
Setting logging and notification for a service
For each service added to the Services Arena, you can control logging and notification of the following events:
•Incoming packets that are allowed
•Incoming packets that are denied
•Outgoing packets that are allowed
•Outgoing packets that are denied
User Guide | 77 |