Exporting reports
3Enter the number of elements to rank in the table.
Default is 100.
4Select the style of graph to use in the report.
5Select the manner in which you want the proxied summary reports sorted: bandwidth or connections.
6Enter the number of records to display per page for the detailed sections.
The default is 1,000 records. A larger number than this might crash the browser or cause the file to take a long time to load.
7Click OK.
Exporting reports
Historical Reports can be exported to three formats: HTML, WebTrends, and text.
All reports are stored in the path drive:\WatchGuard Install Directory\Reports. Under the Reports directory are subdirectories that include the name and time of the report. Each report is filed in one of these subdirectories.
Exporting reports to HTML format
When you select HTML Report from the Setup tab on the Report Properties dialog box, the report output is created as HTML files. A JavaScript menu is used to easily navigate the different report sections.
JavaScript must be enabled on the browser so you can review the report menu.
Exporting a report to WebTrends for Firewalls and VPNs
WebTrends for Firewalls and VPNs calculates information differently than WatchGuard Historical Reports. WatchGuard Historical Reports counts the number of transactions that occur on Port 80. WebTrends for Firewalls and VPNs calculates the number of URL requests. These numbers vary because multiple URL requests may go over the same Port 80 connection and “Keep Alives.”
WatchGuard HTTP proxy logging must be turned on to supply
WebTrends the logging information required for its reports.
When you select WebTrends Export from the Setup tab on the Reports Properties dialog box, the report output is created as a WebTrends Enhanced Log Format (WELF) file. The report appears as a .wts file in the following path:
drive:\WatchGuard Install Directory\Reports