Chapter 17 Network Address Translation (NAT)

Selecting SUA means (latent) multiple WAN-to-LAN and WAN-to-DMZ address translation. That means that computers on your DMZ with public IP addresses will still have to undergo NAT mapping if you’re using SUA NAT mapping. If this is not your intention, then select Full Feature NAT and don’t configure NAT mapping rules to those computers with public IP addresses on the DMZ.

17.3 NAT Overview Screen

Click ADVANCED > NAT to open the NAT Overview screen.

Figure 218 ADVANCED > NAT > NAT Overview

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 95 ADVANCED > NAT > NAT Overview



NAT Setup





This read-only field displays the highest number of NAT sessions that the ZyWALL


will permit at one time.






Use this field to set the highest number of NAT sessions that the ZyWALL will permit


a host to have at one time.

Sessions Per






Enable NAT

Select this check box to turn on the NAT feature for the WAN port. Clear this check


box to turn off the NAT feature for the WAN port.




Select SUA if you have just one public WAN IP address for your ZyWALL. This lets

Mapping Rules

the ZyWALL use its permanent, pre-defined NAT address mapping rules.


Select Full Feature if you have multiple public WAN IP addresses for your ZyWALL.


This lets the ZyWALL use the address mapping rules that you configure. This is the


equivalent of what used to be called full feature NAT or multi-NAT.


The bar displays how many of the ZyWALL's possible address mapping rules are


configured. The first number shows how many address mapping rules are


configured on the ZyWALL. The second number shows the maximum number of


address mapping rules that can be configured on the ZyWALL.





ZyWALL 2 Plus User’s Guide