cPress the Trigger key. Make sure pattern term a is "A". If not, select the field next to
"a" under the label Lab1. Type "A", then press the Select key.
Verify the test signal
1Check the clock pulse width. Using the oscilloscope, verify that the clock pulse
width is 3.50 ns, +0 ps or 100 ps.
aEnable the pulse generator channel 1 and channel 2 outputs.
bIn the oscilloscope Timebase menu, select Delay. Using the oscilloscope knob,
position the clock waveform so that the waveform is centered on the screen.
cIn the oscilloscope Delta V menu, set the Marker 1 Position to Chan 2, then set
Marker 1 at 1.3000 V. Set Marker 2 Position to Chan 2, then set Marker 2 at
1.3000 V.
dIn the oscilloscope Delta T menu, select Start On Pos Edge 1. Select Stop on Neg
Edge 1.
eIf the pulse width is outside the limits, adjust the pulse generator channel 2 width and
select the oscilloscope Precision Edge Find until the pulse width is within limits.
2Check the clock period. Using the oscilloscope, verify that the clock period is 20 ns,
+0 ps or250 ps.
aIn the oscilloscope Timebase menu, select Sweep Speed 4.00 ns/div.
bSelect Delay. Using the oscilloscope knob, position the clock waveform so that a
rising edge appears at the left of the display.
Testing Performance
To test the single-clock, single-edge, state acquisition