Troubleshooting Information
Checking the Network
Checking Web Browser Settings
The E5810 Web access (web server) generates web pages that depend on Javascript and Frames. You can use any web browser that supports these features to view and interact with the E5810 web server. For best results, you may need to Enable Javascript, and configure Cache and Page Refresh, and/or Proxies options on your Web browser. Internet Explorer 5.5 or later or Netscape Navigator 6.2 or later are recommended.
Enabling Javascript The E5810 web server uses Javascript. The E5810 can detect if Javascript is not enabled and will display instructions on the E5810 Welcome page to enable Javascript for selected versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. If Javascript is not enabled, you will not be able to modify configurations in the View & Modify Configuration page, nor will you be able to Interact with instruments using the Find & Query Instruments page. Steps to enable Javascript for Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator follow.
Steps to Enable Javascript (Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5)
1From Internet Explorer menu select
2Click the Securities tab
3Click the Custom Level… button
4Under Settings, scroll down to the category called Scripting
5Click the Enable radio button under Active Scripting
6Click the Enable radio button under Scripting of Java applets
7Click the OK button on bottom of page to accept security settings
8When the Warning! dialog box appears, click the YES button when prompted for “Are you sure you want to change the security settings for this zone?”
9Click the OK button on the bottom of the Internet Options dialog box to make changes active.
Steps to Enable Javascript (Netscape Navigator 6.2)
1From the Navigator Menu select
2Under the Category tree, click Advanced to change the fields on the right to display the Advanced configuration options
3Under “Enable features that help interpret web pages”, make sure that Enable Java and Enable JavaScript for Navigator are both checked
4Click the OK button on the bottom of the page to activate changes.
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