Troubleshooting Information
Checking PC Client Connections
Checking PC Client Connections
Even if the E5810 has been successfully configured and the configuration has been verified, individual PC clients may still have problems connecting to the E5810. This section gives guidelines to check PC client connections to the E5810, including:
Verifying PC Client Connections
Checking syslog Messages
Runtime Error Messages
Verifying PC Client Connections
How to Verify PC Client Connections
Even if the E5810 has been successfully configured and the configuration has been verified, individual clients may still have problems getting a connection to the E5810.
To verify that the PC client system has network access to the E5810, open the Web Browser on the client PC and type in the E5810 IP address (or hostname, if known) on the browser’s address line. If the E5810 Welcome page appears, this client PC has network connection to the E5810. Repeat this step for each client PC on the network.
You can also use the Telnet utility or a ping command from a DOS command window to check for network connections to the E5810. See Appendix B - Using the Telnet Utility for details.
If the Welcome page times out, this indicates the client PC was unable to connect to the E5810. The E5810 may be on a different subnet than the client or the E5810 may have incorrect network configuration values. In this case, try the ping command. A typical example follows. If the ping command does not work, contact your System Administrator.
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