To Delete Listings
1.Press Menu.
2.Select Directory.
3.Select Personal Dir.
4.Select Delete Entry.
5.Select appropriate range of Ietters.
6.Select name to be deleted.
Select Prev Page or Next Page to locate the listing.
7.Select Delete to delete the entry or select Cancel to exit without making a change.
8.Press Home.
To Change Listings
1.Press Menu.
2.Select Directory.
3.Select Personal Dir.
4.Select Edit Dir.
5.Select appropriate range of letters.
6.Select listing to be changed.
Select Prev Page or Next Page to locate the listing.
7.Choose item to be changed (you can change one or all items):
■Select Replace Name to change name.
■Select Replace Num to change number.
■Select Replace Tag to change whether the number is concealed or displayed while being dialed.
■Select Exit if you don’t want to make changes.
8.Enter new information (name, number, or tag), then select Enter.
9.Select Exit.
10.Repeat steps
11.Press Home.
Personal Directory